Hot on the heels of my review of Selfoss, the basic but pretty RSS reader, comes my review of Tiny Tiny RSS, yet another self-hosted alternative to soon to be dead Google Reader.

In a nutshell

tinyRSS is a free, easily installed feedreader. It’s strengths aren’t its looks but it’s extensible design and power-user features.

Installation: [rating=3]

Price: [rating=5]

What it does

TT-RSS provides a full-featured feedreading experience, including quite a few plugins, especially for sharing. It features a three pane layout that is similar to classic feedreaders like Bloglines or offline feedreaders of yore (anyone remember these locally installed ones?).

Compared to Fever or Selfoss it’s not exactly pretty, but it’s more powerful and adaptable to individual needs. It also features a mobile version, which may look a bit dated in its iOS design, but is very functional indeed.

TT-RSS features a plugin system, so certain things can just be added to tailor it more to your needs (I find it particularly great that they have a plugin to save links for later reading to OwnCloud, turning the whole experience into an even more self-hosted experience).


Even thought he good people who develop tinyRSS warn that it’s not exactly suitable for shared webspaces, it actually installed without a hitch on my shared webspace.

While it is rather simple to install, one should be comfortable with things like inserting SQL files into an existing database (if your webspace provider gives you access to phpMyAdmin, that shouldn’t pose a problem). Apart from that it’s a matter of uploading the files and editing a not-so extensive config file.


tinyRSS is free and open source.


3 thoughts on “Tiny Tiny RSS”

  1. I saw you only gave TinyTinyRSS 3 stars for installation. For people that have trouble with installation, upgrades, installing themes, nstalling plugins, using HTTPS, optimizing the database, optiimizing the web server, subscribing to a webhost / VPS service, etc. We’ve already done all of that for you at You just create your account and you’re good to go! Our instances are mobile & desktop ready and you can also just point your Android/Linux tt-rss client application to our login url as well

  2. Hi David! While I appreciate what you’re doing, I’m focusing on self-hosted software here. It would be a bit besides the point to suggest people sign up for yet another hosted service, don’t you think?

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